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What is a piecepack?

A piecepack is a game system. A game system is a set of pieces with which you can play not just one but many games. The most popular game system is a deck of playing cards.

The piecepack is to board games what a deck of playing cards is to card games. Like a deck of playing cards, it is also in the Public Domain. That means you can do anything with it, including inventing new games and selling your own. That is why there are a lot of variations.

James Kyle invented the piecepack in 2001.

The standard

A standard piecepack consists of 24 tiles, 24 coins, 4 dice and 4 pawns. The pieces have 4 suits and 6 ranks.


The suits are:


The ranks are:


There are 4 different types of pieces.

Square tiles

The standard does not define any sizes. But most piecepack tiles are 2×2 inches (about 50×50 millimetres).

Round coins

Six-sided dice



Your piecepack might not look like the description above. That's because a lot of piecepacks deviate from the standard. Here are some examples how your piecepack might be different. This usually does not affect gameplay.

People have also come up with various expansions and accessories to the piecepack.

Please note, this site always uses the non-standard “A” for aces.